@VW.org Not a waste of time! That contradiction is explained in the overall gist of this Youtuber's videos. If I understand properly, as per the Bible's mandate, whomever you bow a knee to, you become a slave to. Adam and Eve bowed their knee to sin, therefore become slaves to Satan. Satan therefore ascended to position of "ruler of the world". His priority - even above killing - is FIRST to receive praise and worship (hence why he had the audacity to tempt Jesus into doing an act of worship to him). To achieve this goal from the devout ancient Israelites, he would masquerade as an "angel of light". Since demons are thought to be able to prophesy and verify otherworldly things accurately, Satan, the "father of the lie" would sociopathically demonstrate how to put forth the ultimate lie: conceal it in layers of truth. For example, your main purpose may be to lie about your whereabouts, but the more you embellish your lie with kernels of truth and factual information, the false notion you are trying to push seems far more plausible. The apparent disdain for sin "YHWH" had, the protection of his "chosen people", etc, were all part of Satan's way to get the then existing humans to continue honoring him with praise, glory and adulation. It's a win-win for Satan because while he has these superstitious muppets glorifying him, he gets to execute other human beings with fire from heaven, the death of firstborns, pregnant women having their wombs ripped open, mass genocide including babies, plagues of dead stinking frogs, a global flood that drowned every living creature aside from the eight dunces who thought they were being led by the genuine God, et cetera.